GrossuleCC is the new software from Carpenterie Elettriche Grossule for calculating the dimensioning of switchboard busbar systems.
Switchboards are a component of the plant and are subject to European technical standards and directives.
The general standard for all switchboards is CEI EN 61 439-1. For machine switchboards, which are part of the electrical equipment of the machine, additional requirements apply from IEC EN 60204-1, 4th edition (classification CEI 44-5 File 8492 ) ‘Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Part 1: General rules’.
The most significant test is the short-circuit tightness test of the busbar system.
The aforementioned standards state that it is not necessary to perform this test on every busbar configuration, but that one can refer to a tested prototype.
Basically, it is sufficient to have a busbar system tested in such a way that various configurations can be derived and then refer to that to calculate the busbar spacing and the support spacing, based on the Icc values, by applying the calculation procedure described in annex P of CEI EN 61 439-1, identical to standard CEI 17-52 Fascicolo 2252; ‘Method for determining the short-circuit tightness of assembled equipment’.
For example, Grossule dimensioned a busbar system mounted on the AS-23 series cabinet. The calculations were carried out using software produced by Grossule, called GrossuleCC, which contains the complete calculation procedure laid down in the CEI EN standards.
And it is this software that Grossule offers to allow maximum versatility in the configuration of busbar systems.
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Via Ronchesana, 14 - 37050
Santa Maria di Zevio - Verona - Italy
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